When you are going to rent an apartment in Tokyo, you will be
embarrassed by under Japanese rental system;
1. Key money ( called gReikinh in Tokyo area)
@ In ordinary Japanese rental system, they ask you gKey Moneyh
which will not be refundable at the termination of the
rental agreement.
gKey Moneyh is equivalent to two monthfs rent. But we understand it
is very difficult for a foreigner who will stay in a
short term in Tokyo.
Then we arranged rental apartment without gKey Moneyh in the
following rental list. If you donft mind to pay gKey Moneyh, please
check the rental list written in Japanese.
2. Deposit money
Deposit money is usually equivalent to two or three monthfs
Deposit money will be refundable at the termination of
the rental
contract. But if you damaged the property by your mistake, the
repair fee will be reduced from your deposit money.
3. Guarantor
When you apply some apartment room, most owner ask you to
present some Japanese guarantor. We understand that it
is difficult
for foreigners to have a good Japanese guarantor in a
short term.
We will negotiate to the owner concerning the guarantor.